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Investment land – Anghiari, Arezzo, Tuscany, Italy

3,200,000 €
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On the hills of the province of Arezzo, in a quiet and very panoramic position, a 171.6-hectare farm with cattle breeding and agritourism. The property, renovated in 2011, houses two farmhouses used for the reception of guests (8 bedrooms and 7 bathrooms), including a restaurant that serves its customers vegetables and meats produced on the farm. The main farmhouse (325 sqm, 6 bedrooms and 5 bathrooms) is structured on two levels: — Ground floor: cellar, oven, warehouse, restaurant with professional kitchen, two independent apartments (consisting of living area, bedroom and bathroom) and bedroom with external porch; — First floor: owners' apartment (140 sqm) consisting of living room, kitchen, study, three bedrooms and two bathrooms. The dependance (50 sqm, 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms) is structured on two independent floors: — Ground floor: living area, bedroom and bathroom; — First floor: living area, bedroom and bathroom. A small annex (40 sqm) currently houses two sheds for vehicles and equipment, but could easily be converted into an annex with two more bedrooms and two bathrooms. As for the agricultural activity, the company can count on an open barn with cattle feeders (850 m²), various sheds for the storage of forage (500 m²), other sheds to shelter agricultural equipment (470 sqm), and two masonry buildings (250 sqm) used as a workshop and warehouse. A short distance from the main building, in a clearing in the woods, there are three ruins to be restored (315 square meters). The company covers a total area of ​​about 171.6 hectares (technically divided into three adjacent farms.). Of these, about 100 hectares are fenced with chestnut poles and four rows of barbed wire to keep wild animals out and protect livestock. The land is cadastrally divided into arable land (55.0 ha), pastures (47.6 ha), mixed and cut forest (61.0 ha), fruit chestnut grove (5.0 ha) and olive groves (3.0 ha). The olive trees, about 400 in all, act as a border between the various plots of land. Animal breeding, which in the past also included various horses, now boasts examples of cattle (100 head at the time) of the renowned Limousine and Charolais breeds. Among the other animals raised on the farm there are chickens, rabbits, turkeys and ducks. The farmhouses are surrounded by a garden, on which you can easily place gazebos and deck chairs. Also next to the houses is the 15 × 6 m swimming pool with a uniform depth of 1.6 m.

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