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Two-storey villa with a pool just 30 m from the sea, Denia, Alicante, Spain

4,900,000 €
  • Total area
    685 m²
  • Land area
    3,000 m²
  • Bedrooms
  • Bathrooms
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The villa is perfect for renting out. Can accommodate up to 8 people (up to 10 people on request, extra bed available). Approximate prices for the 2024 season. We recommend setting a commission of 10%:

  • May – 6,000 euros/week
  • June/September – 6,700 euros/week
  • July – 7,000 euros/week
  • August – 7,500 euros/week

For bookings over a month, a discount is provided. The price includes weekly cleaning with change of bed linen and towels; garden care and pool cleaning — once a week. Final cleaning — 500 euros, deposit 3000 euros. We draw your attention to the convenient territory of the villa, where various events are offered all year round — banquets, wedding ceremonies, family celebrations, organization of entertainment and show programs, children's birthdays. Cost is calculated upon request.


The nearest cafe and restaurant are a 5-minute walk along the picturesque promenade, with space for jogging, walking and sports. A beautiful quiet area in the southeast of the center of Denia, shady due to a lot of greenery, mainly palm trees and pine trees. Denia is famous as a wonderful family resort, where you can visit the famous Terra Mitica amusement park, a water park and a zoo, a lot of entertainment for children and adults, an English children's multi-sports day camp (from 3 years old). Children can be enrolled in language schools and sports sections (football, equestrian sports, swimming pool, tennis).

Location and nearby infrastructure

Denia is an ancient Spanish city with a multinational population, a luxurious resort with beautiful beaches, developed and well-equipped infrastructure. The strip of Denia beaches stretches for 30 km. To the left of the port, towards Valencia, the golden sandy beach area of Les Marines begins. On the other side of the harbor are the rocky beaches of Les Rothes with pebble shores and clear emerald water. An ancient Moorish watchtower rises above the farthest of the beaches. From the new port of Denia, which is a 10-minute drive from the villa, passenger ferries of the Balearia company regularly depart, on which you can travel by car to Ibiza and other Balearic Islands, as well as rent a private yacht for sea trips. Near the port there is a modern commercial area with a yacht club, with a large number of shops and bars, discos, as well as tennis courts and a golf club. There is a 3 Michelin star restaurant and various high-level Mediterranean restaurants.

More properties

If this property wasn’t for you, take a look at other houses for sale in Spain.

You can see more houses for sale in Denia elsewhere on our website.

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